- Re-arranged the batch-specific INI settings so they are more readable; related settings are now grouped together; we are not fans of making mass interface changes, but we felt re-arranging these settings made it much easier to work with them
- Added some date and time options for parameter values with GlobalParameterTimeFormat setting in JNRRB.INI; these changes were made for special use cases; most users do not need these new options
- Fixed a minor bug with time-based parameters and expressions
- Fixed a minor date bug with Global Monitoring; some global date formats were not storing correctly
- Added automatic printer retrying if printer is offline (or network hiccup); up to 5 attempts will be made with a one minute wait between each retry
- Added better error catching for catastrophic printer issues
- Added better error catching for catastrophic export issues
- Improved error messages for scheduled reports that fail due to network resources being unavailable
- ZipOnFILE batch-specific INI setting added to allow for zipping File exports
- New log file messages
- PDFBurstMerge anomolies (merging files from a directory and there are no files found for a given wildcard value) are now shown on Burst Exception report
- Added ID/password support for proxy servers in licensing process
- Fixed a scheduler bug where double-clicking on empty schedule list crashed app
- Added ParameterList naming keyword to return more than one parameter value from a SQL-based expression
- Fixed a minor date bug with Global Monitoring; some global date formats were not storing correctly
- New log file messages
- Added ID/password support for proxy servers in licensing process
- Fixed a bug where the maximum field size was overflowing (and not saving); the search data that was being saved to the VarChar(4000) size fields is now limited to 4000 characters total
- Fixed a bug where report properties are missing or null (older report templates)
Event Server (2013.50)
- SQL rules modified to allow for specific rules to be run only in certain time windows on same day; if no time window is defined, they are still run/checked 24 hours per day
- Added some logic to reduce/eliminate log files for rule packs that are not turned on (if you had SQL rules enabled, but not File rules, you would still see a File rules log file)
- When RPT files are placed into Input queue to create web templates, added parameter defaults for date and times, as well as, high/low range-based parameters
This is not a critical release, but is highly recommended. This is the first official release since 2013.166. We've had a number of test releases since then. If you are on one of the in-between test releases, please upgrade to this final release.