Reports change all the time. Sometimes you need to modify/update a report in Web Portal after it's in production.
Here are your options (it all depends on what you're changing):
If you're changing only the web template setting like ID/password, that's done in Report Runner Batch and nothing else. Just edit the XML web template and set/change the ID/password (or global ID/password if that's what your report uses). No change necessary in Web Portal.
If you modify the report in Crystal Reports that is the source report of the XML web Template, if you don't change parameters, there's nothing else to do.
If you modify the report in Crystal Reports and change parameters (add or delete them), you must delete the report in Web Portal and re-create it. Parameters are only read the first time the report is set up. You should delete the source XML file, too, and throw the updated RPT file into the Event Server input queue to recreate the XML web template (the re-add the report to Web Portal).
If you're confused by the above explanation and can't figure out what's wrong, you may want to Delete the report in Web Portal and start all over.