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How To Fix A Catastrophic Error When Trying To Start Report Runner

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Problem: You're trying to start Report Runner Batch or Report Runner Viewer, and you're getting a catastrophic error. Because you can't start the application, you can't see the log file to determine what's wrong.

What's Wrong: The application is unable to start, because DLLs that the application depends on can not be found. These are not DLLs the application would have done anything with. More than likely, someone uninstalled or modified the Crystal runtime engine. This can happen if you uninstall another Crystal-based application, and the application uninstalled the Crystal runtime engine. Note, we never remove the Crystal runtime engine if you uninstall Report Runner. There are too many other apps that utilize the Crystal runtime engine, and we consider it reckless and dangerous to remove it.

Steps To Fix The Issue: Try the following steps one-at-a-time to fix the issue. Try one step, then retry restarting Report Runner. If it doesn't work, and you get the catastrophic error again, move to the next steps. We promise one of them will correct the issue.


Step 1: Update your Report Runner software. Download and install the latest update (the updater). Do not download the full installer.


Note: Do NOT use any of the installers/updaters on the Downloads page if you are an Infinity license customer who has installed the 64-bit edition previously. Use your 64-bit updater you were provided previously or open up a ticket to support request it. 


Step 2: Look at Add/Remove Programs applications in the Control Panel of Windows. Look for SAP Crystal Runtime Engine for .Net. If you can't find it, that's the problem. Someone uninstalled it. Go to Step 2a. If you do see it, you either need to copy one of our executables from a sub-folder or you need to remove the Crystal engine and clean it up, because it has become corrupted. Go to Step 3.

2a: Download and install the Crystal runtime engine using this link:


Again: Do NOT use any of the 32-bit Crystal runtime installer above if you are an Infinity license customer who has installed the 64-bit edition previously. Use your 64-bit Crystal runtime installer you were provided previously or open up a ticket to support request it. 


Step 3: If you've recently upgraded your Crystal runtime engine to the latest version, for example to SP26 or later, you need to manually install our "SP26OrLater" executable (go to Step 3a). If you're using any other service pack, it's probably become corrupted. If it's corrupted (go to Step 3b).

3a: Go to the sub-directory in the program files directory Jeff-Net\Report Runner called SP26OrLater (there is also an SP20OrBefore and and SP21ToSP25). If SP26 or later of the Crystal runtime engine is installed, just copy the executable from that SP26OrLater directory to the main Jeff-Net\Report Runner directory.

3b: If you need to remove and clean up the existing Crystal runtime engine, reinstall the Crystal runtime engine, and rerun the Report Runner updater following these steps:

- Remove:

- Reinstall: NOT use this 32-bit Crystal runtime installer if you are an Infinity license customer who has installed the 64-bit edition previously. Use your 64-bit Crystal runtime installer you were provided previously or open up a ticket to support request it. 


- Rerun the updater downloaded in Step 1.


That's it. That should fix most any catastrophic error when Report Runner has been previously running "just fine".

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