Question: How do you run reports via the command line with Report Runner Viewer?
Answer: The basic keywords available via the command line in the Standard edition are:
- jnReport=PathAndReportFileName
- jnID=DatabaseID
- jnPassword=DatabasePassword
- jnRecordSelection=RecordSelection (for "quotes" around strings, use a double pipe symbol: ||)
- jnDSN=DSN to use instead of DSN stored in report
- jnDatabase=Database to use instead of Database stored in report
If you have a DEVELOPER add-on license (or Viewer Infinity license), these additional keywords are available (these also work with a 45 day evaluation license):
- jnParm1=Parameter1 (set up to 30 parms --- jnParm2=, jnParm3=, jnParm4=)
- jnPrinter=PrinterName (setting a printer also bypasses viewing of the report)
- jnCopies=99 (number of copies)
- jnAutoRefresh=99 (number of minutes to automatically refresh the report without user interaction)
- jnHideWindowTitle=1 (setting to 1 enables report to be viewed when maximized without a title bar)
- jnBuzzIfReportChangesDuringRefresh=1 (plays a sound if data changes in a report that's been set to auto-refresh)
- jnHideGroupsPanel=1 (setting to 1 hides the group tree panel and disables the ability to toggle it on and off)
- jnHideParametersPanel=1 (setting to 1 hides the parameters panel and disables the ability to refresh reports)
- jnDisableDrilldown=1 (setting to 1 disables the ability to drill down into the report by clicking on group values/totals)
- jnGroupRecordSelection=GroupRecordSelection (for "quotes" around strings, use a double pipe symbol: ||)
- jnOutputFileName=c:\whatever path\and directory\filename.pdf
- jnOutputFileFormat=PDF (default is PDF if not specified with jnOutputFileName or any other valid format listed below)
Valid File Formats to Use with jnOutputFileFormat:
- PDFB (PDF with bookmarks)
- RPT (Crystal Reports format)
- RPTR (Crystal Reports format and read only)
- XLSDT (Excel Data Only - Typical)
- XLSDM (Excel Data Only - Minimal)
- XLSN (Excel Whole Report)
- XLSX (Excel XLSX Data Only)
- SEPC (Comma Separated Values - Details Only)
- SEPCN (Comma Separated Values - Details Only - No Quotes)
- TXT4 (Text - Non-Paginated (0) - 12 CPI)
- TXTP (Text - Paginated (60) - 12 CPI)
- SEPT (Tab Separated Values - Details Only)
- SEPT1 (Tab Separated Values - Details and Groups)
- SEPT2 (Tab Separated Values - All)
- TSEP1 (Tab Separated Text - No Quotes)
- TSEP2 (Tab Separated Text - Quotes)
- TSEP3 (Tab Separated Text - Quotes and Blank Lines)
Another feature of the Developer license is the ability to customize the logo shown in the lower left corner of the Viewer window and customize the color of the bottom section of the Viewer window. You configure this by modifying the [Developer] settings in JNRRV.INI:
'Your company/organization name; it will display in title bar of main app as Report Runner Viewer for Your Company Name
'Your custom logo file path (like c:\my company logo\logo.jpg) sized at 187x64
'URL to go to when user clicks on your logo
'Show the spinning gears with message
'This overrides the standard message with one from you
ErrorMessage=There was a problem with the command line options for this report. Please contact Support for assistance.
Sample command line:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Jeff-Net\Report Runner\Report Runner Unified.Exe" jnReport=c:\MyReports\Report1.rpt jnID=sqlsusan jnPassword=Reports!1 jnParm1=May jnParm2=2022 jnDisableDrilldown=1